Bilt Royal Executive Bond Paper – A4, 100 GSM, 1 Pkt. (100 Sheets) | Fancy Fine Letter Head Paper |


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  • Lowest Price Guarantee at Online in India.
  • You Can Pay with Paytm, Google Pay, Any UPI App & Direct Bank Transfer.
  • Guaranteed 100 % Satisfaction or Money Back.
  • 10 Days Returnable.

Description :

  • Desk Top Compatibility : Perfect compatibility with all makes of Lazer & Inkjet printing in colour or black & white.
  • Machine cut with ‘O-O’ tolerance to ensure jam-free printing.
  • Faster drying of ink to prevent smudging & provide sharper impressions.
  • Ensures printing on both sides without text showing through on the other side.
  • Special treatment of fibres for surface eveness that resists wrinkling due to handling

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HSN Code: 4802 SKU: PS_2040 Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight .500 kg


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